As salamu 3alaykum wa rahmatulLah wa barakatu, i´ve met my wife on and after one week we decided to marry each other, its the Love at first sight, its still amazing how much we love each other, im a French converted muslim and she is an arabic woman from Algiers. I went to her country and get engaged 10 days before, it was unbelievable.... ITS THE REAL TRUE LOVE I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT ITS FOR REAL. I already have been in love one time in my life before and i thought it never could happen anymore cause i thought my first wife would be the last one of my life, i met my new wife after i get divorced... ITS JUST UNREAL HOW STRONG WE LOVE EACH OTHER.... its amazing,..... im gonna work hard and leave my country in few months to be with her in Algiers inchaAllah after i earned enough money. Thank you and good luck everybody, believe in God first and then believe in you. BaraK Allahu fikum!