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Assalam-u-alaykum, I prayed ayahs from the Quran and started searching each day , i was a new member joined Mehndi.com in april and wasnt sure things will happen through a matrimonial website but whatever ALLAH SWT Wills and is destined happens and is for the Best. Ahmed initiated contact,our families met and we both performed salatul istakhara which is a salah for ease in decision making and for the best result regarding deen,dunya and Akhirah. Alhamdulillah things happened in a week.I am glad i met the type of practising muslim I had been waiting and prayiing for always.... Thanks to ALMIGHTY ALLAH SWT and to Mehndi.com's team. May Allah help all the serious members here to get to a beautiful result as we got. do remember us in your duas for future endeavours. jazakAllah khair, Mr and Mrs Ahmed

Feroza & Ahmed
New Jersey, USA May 2010