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As salamu alaikum, I want to thank Allah swt first and foremost for decreeing that me and Ahmed would find each other at the right time and right place in our lives. He is Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem. I want to also give thanks to Mehndi.com for believing in true love when some of us almost gave up on the journey to find it; and for continuing this site. When I first read his profile I felt something was very special about him and I read it several times. Maybe it was that thing they call women's intuition, but his profile stood out and he didn't even have a picture posted. Well, one night while searching he asked to chat. I screamed because I was so excited and we begain chatting. We haven't stopped since this night. Alhumdulilah! You see I was hurting in my life up until that night and I was calling out to Our Lord because I have so much love to give but no one to share it with. He is All hearing and All Knowing because out of millions of people posted on this site, He decreed that we'd meet and I couldn't have chosen better. Ahmed is gentle, noble, and humble. I respect him very much and admire his courage. He is very handsome, intelligent, and he inspires me. We plan to marry insha'Allah in the next three months. We live continents away from eachother but we're close to eachother's heart. We plan to continue learning about eachother and to fulfil eachother's dreams. May Allah grant us success, hikmah, and a lifelong beautiful marriage ameen. May he grant all of us success and guidance ameen. Alhumdulilah!!! As salamu alaikum .

Pennsylvania, USA November 2009