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Salams to Mehndi.com and all you Brothers and Sisters My story began when i made my profile called Dua2002........ I met a lot of interesting people and some of them have become my email contacts and good friends. A couple of months ago, I was online and this person called Way2Jannah showed interest and started chatting with me.... I read his profile and took some steps back as he was looking for someone like Hazrat Khatija and I did not fit into that picture I made some excuse and signed off... This cat and mouse race went on a couple of weeks where he would be online and wanted to chat and I would avoid him To make the story short, I finally gave in and we exchanged tele phone numbers We talked for about two weeks and then finding so many things in common in each other, we decided to meet..... well the meetings became more and we found that he saw the qualities in me to make me his Khatijah after all We got married on last month and ALhamdollilah we have the same spiritual , physical and emotional needs to be a happy married couple Thanks again to Mehndi.com for bringing us together.

Shahine & Abdul
Virginia, USA July 2009